
Peak Performance - #CatchMagicHour

Digital Agency
Stockholm, Sweden
Agency / Creative
About Perfect Fools

Make it interesting! PF is your creative partner for an exciting, new, networked world. From Stockholm and Amsterdam we deliver uniquely foolish strategies, experiences, platforms and products that capture imaginations and achieve your goals.

A brand has its own special mojo. We help people to connect with it, in the most interesting, effective ways imaginable.

At PF we’re dedicated to making the most of the incredible new communication tools we now have at our fingertips. Mobile, social, web, or a delicious mix of the real and virtual worlds. We eat it all up. But not for its own sake. We love technology for the solid connections it can help to form between living, breathing human beings. It all comes down to something very ancient and analog: conversation. Digital just lets us grow meaningful conversations on a scale never seen before.

We live in exciting times. At long last brands can stop talking at people – interrupting and peppering them with thousands of unwanted messages – and start talking with them. Attracting with real value, relevance, inspiration, entertainment, services, or all of the above. In other words, they can act less like annoying salespeople and more like warm, engaging, trustworthy friends.

Just as in any other conversation the keys are to be interesting and to listen (of course it doesn’t hurt to be amazing, insightful, surprising, elegant, likeable, knowledgeable and reliable along the way, but we’ll get to those bits later on ;)

At Perfect Fools that’s what we do: we make it interesting. And building on culture, human insights and basic business sense, we help you evolve smart ways to listen to and interact with the individuals who matter most to you. So it can be even more interesting the next time around. Together with you we create all-new things that get people talking, sharing, doing and, not least, buying.

Over the years we’ve had the good fortune to serve many of the world’s leading brands and an awesome array of agencies. And we’re honored to say our work has earned most major awards for both creativity and effectiveness, including the Cannes Lions Grand Prix.

Why "Perfect Fools"? We’ve gotten that question a lot since we opened our doors on April Fools Day, 2002 (and no, it’s not what our moms called us growing up, although they probably should have). All we can say is, if the belled shoe fits, wear it. We realized early on we’re fools for making. In particular, for making incredible, effective communication experiences with the latest technologies. We believe if you’re going to do something you should do it 100%, into the red zone, past the speed of light. So… Perfect Fools!

Born collaborators.

Our teams work equally well directly with brands or agencies large and small.

Best supporting actors.

We like to think of you and your brand or client as the heroes of the story. It’s our job to help the heroes be as exciting, attractive and successful as inhumanly possible. Think of us like Q to your Bond, Giles to your Buffy, Solo to your Skywalker. Well, you get the idea.


We start by asking informed questions. About your goals, targets, values, constraints and more. We get detailed with cold, hard KPIs. Mix liberally with behavioral insights, culture and business experience. Distill the perfect strategy for your challenge, then propose the tactic or tactics to produce the best results. After launch the first thing we want to know is how is reality measuring up to the goals?


Less is more and the best way to kill a darling is to skip it in the first place. At PF we like to tackle complex challenges with solutions that are as simple and easy-to-understand as possible.


We’re consecrated to creativity, and from long experience know that the best results come when we control the development process right through execution, iteration and beyond. Being able to make things ourselves also allows us to craft strategies that are far more realistic.

Process driven.

Delivering innovative technical solutions to complex communications problems definitely has its challenges. We know our clients rely on us to manage the risks and come through with rock steady quality each and every time. In that pursuit we’re continually guided by the PF process, painstakingly developed over the course of more than a decade and several hundred successful efforts.


For some people this might just be business, but for us it’s personal. It’s what we’ve chosen to spend our precious time doing and while we have our share of fun we take it seriously. We also go out of our way to let you know there are real people behind each and every aspect of what we do, who care a lot about the clients we work for and the quality of what we create together.

Rapid and reliable.

We do things on-time and on-budget. We’re also happy delivering on tight deadlines. When we say we’ll do something, we do it.


A Fool can’t be all work and no play!

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