The iconic duo of Eva Longoria and Magic Retouch, the instant spray for covering roots between colourings, is back on screen with two films directed by Hans Emmanuel and produced by Divine After the caring ‘ hair genie’, Eva Longoria has fun taking on the role of a root killer in these two nocturnal thrillers shot in Paris. In the first film, broadcast on TV, while a young woman is taking a shower, Eva Longoria emerges from behind the curtain, wielding... the magic spray to erase the clearly visible roots that terrify the young woman and are the trigger for her intervention. It's a parody of the cult scene from Psycho, with a happy ending and Magic Retouch's formidable effectiveness in a matter of seconds. The second film also plays on the well-known codes of horror films, with flickering lights at midnight to reveal a triumphant Eva Longoria and her Magic Retouch so that grey roots no longer haunt a young woman. This new cinematic demonstration that glamour can go hand in hand with humour gives power back to women, who are well worth it.