The high-octane world of Formula 1 merges with the artistry of manga in a groundbreaking collaboration, revealing an intimate journey into the life of racing sensation, Yuki Tsunoda. Today, Catawiki, the leading online marketplace for special objects, is returning to its foundational comics roots, presenting an exclusive limited-edition comic art series titled 'The Yuki Trilogy', chronicling the life and adventures of the Scuderia AlphaTauri driving star, from his unexpected race beginnings to deeply personal off-grid moments. The exclusive comic series, signed by the driver, is available from September 20th until October 1st in a special auction on Catawiki.
Crafted with precision and passion by award-winning manga artist Inko Ai Takita, under Tsunoda's own narration, the trilogy offers fans fresh insights and a look at Yuki Tsunoda’s illustrious career and private life - from his unexpected race beginnings to heartfelt off-grid moments. The first comic reveals that Tsunoda never expected to be a racing driver, until he got behind the wheel. The second one showcases his deep national pride, which he wears close to his heart (and head), with a unique helmet design, adorned with a Japanese maple leaf. The third comic ventures off the track with Tsunoda, putting his passions centre stage: he's an avid sauna enthusiast and has a particular fondness for his mother's chicken recipe.
"My first time behind the wheel, I just fell in love,’’ commented Scuderia AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda. "To witness my story through the lens of manga feels both nostalgic and exciting. It is a new glimpse into my journey".
"Reimagining Yuki Tsunoda's captivating journey in manga was both a challenge and an honour. His story's essence, marked by passion, tenacity, and resilience, radiates from each page," said artist Inko Ai Takita.
Beyond the comics, ardent fans and collectors have the chance to acquire exclusive memorabilia from Yuki Tsunoda on Catawiki, such as the gloves he will use in the upcoming Japanese Grand Prix signed by him, his 2021 and 2022 signed race suits and more signed racing apparel, as well as prized items from Scuderia AlphaTauri and Scuderia Toro Rosso’s warehouse, such as a STR5 original running car, Max Verstappen race suit and much more. A portion of the auction’s proceeds will be donated to the not-for-profit foundation Wings for Life, which is dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injury.
"Formula 1's influence extends beyond mere racing, seizing the hearts of pop culture fans globally. Marrying this with Manga, a quintessential Japanese art form, is nothing short of electrifying.'' remarked Frédéric Caufriez, category manager pop culture at Catawiki. ''The creation of this unedited comics trilogy under the deft touch of Inko Ai Takita also brings with it a touch of nostalgia for Catawiki, marking a commemorative journey back to the platform's beginnings as a comic book haven,” Frédéric concluded.
Bringing the world of Formula 1 closer to its fans, this auction symbolises the partnership between Catawiki and Scuderia AlphaTauri. Through a sequence of five online auctions taking place over the course of this year, the duo endeavours to find over 300 valuable Formula 1 collectables new homes. The first two auctions achieved unprecedented results on Catawiki, attracting a total of almost 300,000 visitors, and reflecting the sports memorabilia craze witnessed on the marketplace.
Check out the official auction here.