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Why Alexis Ospina Joined Grey Mexico at the ‘Perfect Moment’

Advertising Agency
Mexico City, Mexico
Grey Mexico’s new CCO on his plans for 2023, tips for young creatives, and the agency’s upcoming “period of important transformation”, writes LBB’s Ben Conway

At the end of November 2022, Grey announced that Alexis Ospina would become the chief creative officer (CCO) of Grey Mexico. Before joining CEO Coral Arnedo and the leadership team to carry on their work ‘creating cultural value’ for Grey in the LATAM region and beyond, Alexis’ career has taken him across South America, for a variety of renowned agencies. 

Winning more than 300 creative awards globally, Alexis spent 20 years at agencies including Ogilvy & Mather Colombia, Leo Burnett Colombia, Leo Burnett Mexico and Leo Burnett Costa Rica - which he led to be number one in the country and the region in less than one year. He then moved to VMLY&R as CCO, before joining Media.Monks in 2020 as executive creative director for Mexico and Colombia, helping to put the new agency on the creative map.

After two months of settling in at his new position at Grey Mexico, LBB’s Ben Conway decided to speak with the CCO about what brought him to the role and his plans for the agency’s 2023 and beyond. Among other things, Alexis discusses what unifies and separates the various markets in LATAM, which brands he’s excited to work with in the coming year, and gives advice for up-and-coming creatives: “Do not settle.”

LBB> Congratulations on the new position! How are you settling into Grey Mexico? What have you been focused on in the first couple months of your time there?

Alexis> Thank you! I am thrilled to have joined the highly motivated team at Grey Mexico. I think a period of important transformation is coming, with an opportunity to strengthen the creative team and focus on creating famously effective work.

LBB> Have you worked with Coral Arnedo, or Javier Campopiano and Diego Medvedocky before? What is your dynamic like as a leadership team?

Alexis> I’ve known Javier and Diego for a long time, as we’ve been jurors at awards shows like D&AD in the past. I’ve followed them, and I’ve been impressed by their work and how they are pushing the boundaries of creativity. I’m very excited now to work with them. 

I’ve recently met Coral, and what an incredible person to partner with! We understand each other very well, have the same work ethic, and are aligned on the journey we want to take the agency and our colleagues on. She has done an incredible job at Grey Mexico in recent years, and now I hope that together, we can move the agency further.

LBB> You said in the announcement that you joined Grey “at an important moment in your career” - can you elaborate on that?

Alexis> It is the perfect moment because I am in sync with the needs of the agency - to raise its creative reputation. I am sure that with my experience in the Mexican market, where I have been for the last eight years (and I understand it clearly), I know that we are going to achieve it.

LBB> You’ve worked in agencies across LATAM - Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico to name a few - how have you found the different regions’ industries to be similar and different?

Alexis> A passion for creativity and building a strong creative culture are what unify us in the region. But we are also different, and that collision of differences makes us even more creative. I strongly believe that this difference in thinking, talent and context (all the markets are different) makes LATAM one of the most creative regions in the world.

LBB> You were previously at Media.Monks and helped put them on the map as a new agency - how has that experience prepared you for your role at Grey?

Alexis> I already had the opportunity to work on agency mergers such as Y&R with VML. And the one with Media.Monks was a great experience of integrating a production company with a social and content agency. It strengthened my integrated way of thinking and operating. I’m even more convinced than before of the importance of ‘famously effective ideas’ that create cultural and business value, beyond the choice of media or channels. Don’t get me wrong, I think that the right mix is important, but my point is that you can be a trend in social media for one or two days, but that is rarely enough to build a brand with consistency and human purpose.

LBB> What are some of your key goals for 2023? 

Alexis> To understand the communication needs and problems of our clients, and to help them with relevant creative strategies and ideas. Also, to consolidate the team to make Grey Mexico a creative [point of] reference in the country and region.

LBB> What are some projects or clients that you’re excited to work on in the coming year?

Alexis> Amazing brands like Volvo - I’m so excited about that. And we have just won Pizza Hut, which is a brand we’ll surely be able to do beautiful work with. Additionally, we have AT&T and FIFCO, two great companies and brands in very challenging categories that always need differentiating creative ideas.

LBB> What is a piece of advice that you think is always relevant and important for creatives? How did you learn it?

Alexis> Do not settle. Always seek to do a job that makes you feel good, and with which you are happy. 

For me, creating is the best and I have a lot of fun. Also, work in a team - including the client! Working alone - besides being boring - is very difficult. It doesn’t allow you to interact, build and learn from others’ points of view.

Work from Grey Mexico
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