We have all seen the effect of ‘best practice‘ on digital design, particularly when it comes to e-commerce. Is there more to consider when designing for e-com, and are we missing an opportunity by driving more and more towards a ‘singularity‘? Brands spend a huge amount of time and money on standing out and creating an emotional response, only to forgo this when it comes to their online stores. true set out to understand why..
In today's hyper-competitive digital marketplace, where brands strive to differentiate themselves and evoke emotional responses from consumers, true's whitepaper challenges the notion of 'best practice' in e-commerce design. By examining the impact of emotional design techniques on user engagement and purchasing behaviour, the paper sheds light on the untapped potential that lies beyond the confines of traditional approaches.
Want to find out how to best implement these findings on your platform? Download the whitepaper via Marketing Week available here.
Nick Horne, creative director at true said, "We believe that emotional design is an essential ingredient of effective e-commerce experiences. Our whitepaper represents a shift in how brands approach digital design, emphasising the importance of evoking emotions to create memorable and impactful interactions with users."