Thought Leaders in association withPartners in Crime

Talent Talk: Margaret Morales on the Evolving Definition of the Advertising Creative

Tombras’ director of creative talent encourages industry peers to embrace all avenues of head hunting in the name of diverse talent retention, in association with Partners in Crime

Between global pandemics, a remote working revolution and global movements calling for greater diversity, equality and accessibility in the creative industries, there has never been such a focus on talent in our business as there is right now. This series dedicated to the future of creative teams is supported by Partners in Crime (PiC). Founder of PiC, Stephen ‘Goldie’ Goldblatt, is throwing open a discussion on what’s next for talent. Hearing from some of the industry’s most forging agency leaders, heads of talent, culture and diversity, we will explore what leaders think we really need to do to retain and attract the best creative minds in the business AND deliver what clients need, in one fell swoop. 

Margaret Morales, director of creative talent at Tombras, chats to LBB for the latest edition of Talent Talk. Laser focused on holistic methods of attaining retention and growth, the seasoned recruitment specialist discusses why social media platforms are a hotbed of opportunity for recruiters, how Tombras’ in-house initiatives aim to nurture creative sparks, and the importance of encouraging departments to collaborate and utilise intersectional talents.

LBB> What would you say is the most outdated belief system affecting the way agencies hire and retain talent? 

Margaret> At one point, hiring was based on resumes and cover letters, but that era has passed in the ad world. Don’t get me wrong, certain technical skills and certifications are needed for some roles, but for most creative roles, we try to look at things a bit more differently - more creatively. 

Beyond format, there is the source: numerous platforms that allow people to explore and display their talents. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. These platforms aren’t just stages for entertainment, they help recruiters and hiring managers identify talent. 

Dooley Tombras, President of Tombras, has even been known to scroll TikTok in a bid to identify unique candidates that oftentimes don’t come from traditional advertising backgrounds or even possess a resume. 

So, if you rely solely on the value of degrees, educational background, resumes and applications alone to qualify candidates, then you are most definitely missing out on some great talent. 

And at the end of the day, it’s all about creativity, right? The creative spark which in some might be innate, must be identified, nurtured, guided and built up. We need to foster talent. We can do that through direct peer-to-peer mentorship opportunities, continued training and education like AI workshops and stretch assignments which develop skills and inspire, such as our ‘For Purpose’ work - like the recent World Vasectomy campaign. 

LBB> Which current trends are affecting Tombras hiring process right now?

Margaret> Social media, artificial intelligence, metaverse – just to name a few. 

We are starting to see bigger and more innovative ideas in portfolios and creatives with blended skill sets – which we love to see! The definition of an advertising creative is evolving. However, when we interview candidates for certain roles, we will still dig into your foundational skill sets. For example - if you're an art director, we want to see your layouts. If you’re a copywriter, we want to see headlines. These fundamentals mixed with forward thinking make one heck of a creative person. 

LBB>Can you tell us a bit more about Tombras’ current initiatives and events? How is the company paving the way for the next generation of talent? 

Margaret> The wonderful thing about Tombras is most of our in-house initiatives are grassroots and built organically. As an example, our employees generate the ideas and execute them through our Volunteer Culture Committee. We’ve done things like run internal campaigns of self education, promoted activism and awareness, and enjoyed Pride potlucks and Juneteenth celebrations.

Tombras established the Tombras School of Advertising and PR at the University of Tennessee, with the goal of building a program to increase overall enrollment, but also further support the historically underrepresented students with more learning opportunities. 

In just one year, we’ve already seen so much good come out of Tombras School of Advertising and PR partnership:

  • 2022/23’s Tombras School freshman class was the most diverse ever, with a 40% increase in Black/African American students, 12.5% increase in Asian students, and an 11% increase in multiracial students
  • Diversity of the UT ADPR faculty increased from 29% to 53%, welcoming professionals from Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nigeria, Vietnam, China, South Korea, and more
  • The school saw 15% growth of advertising majors
  • The ADPR minor at the Tombras School rose from 45 students to 167, year-on-year, a staggering growth rate of 371%

We’ve expanded our college internship program, hosted PH.D candidates, created Tombras Talks (career coaching for students), and produced fun outreach content for high schools and universities. Lastly, we are about to launch the Tombras School Young Professionals’ Academy which will be our college mentoring program.

We still have a lot of work to do, but it is exciting to see the progress and potential. 

LBB> Tombras’ tagline is “connecting data + creativity for business results” – how does this apply to your role as director of creative talent? 

Margaret> There is no better way to sell an idea to a client than backing it up with data, right? Well, data lives everywhere now and it's publically available. Views, likes and reposts are all data points that live on social channels. So if I need proof that a candidate can create content that is effective and engaging, all I need to do is look on social platforms and find the content they created. Just take a look at some of our client’s tweets and tiktoks. These simple data points are out there for all the world to see and it’s hard to fake them. 

LBB> Tombras has undergone immense growth in the last few years and was recently listed as an Ad Age A-List Standout Agency for the second year in a row. What would you say have been the most notable business developments impacting this growth? 

Margaret> We’ve landed major AOR accounts and won some notable awards the past couple of years, but it’s the current Tombras talent and strategic hires in leadership that have made the real impact on our growth. 

Dooley Tombras has hired some heavy hitters: Jeff Benjamin, chief creative officer; Chad Hoppenwaser, chief production officer; Maggie Jennings, chief growth officer; Juan Tubert, chief technology officer; Lindsay Stein, chief purpose officer; and most recently Avinash Baliga, our first executive creative director in NYC. 

Each person brings a different background, unique perspective and network of people with them, yet shares the entrepreneurial and creative first mindset that makes Tombras successful. 

LBB> How do you merge the invaluable experiences of the company with new talent and technologies in order to develop innovative new ways to design and deliver extraordinary experiences? 

Margaret> It is all about bridging the gaps between departments, and leveraging our differences and specialisations versus siloing. We want to encourage departments to collaborate and utilise each other’s talents to bring breakout, provocative, cutting edge or culture-leading innovation.

Our most recent metaverse project was a diverse, cross functional team that combined creative, design, tech, and social. It was a true all-agency effort to produce work of that calibre. It’s these types of efforts that build relationships between departments. It creates an environment where collaboration flourishes. For example, sharing the same geeky fascination with the newest AI tools.

LBB> What is the most effective way of building and sustaining creative teams?

Margaret> Providing career advancement opportunities and relationship building environments. This goes back to fostering talent and bridging gaps. If we can provide talent with the tools to build their careers and encourage them to forge relationships to push their creativity, it is a perfect recipe. 

And the cherry on top is when leadership is fully invested in creating the best work possible.

LBB> What does the future hold for Tombras’ creative teams? What will we be talking about this time next year?

Margaret> You’re going to see more growth and even more culturally attuned creative work. We’ve just hired our first ECD in New York. While there is a focus on building our presence in NYC, there is also a focus on thinking bigger and quicker. 

We are just beginning to see the capabilities of AI and how quickly it works. If we combine creative talent and AI tools correctly, you could see the pace for creative work completely change next year. The future is always top of mind at Tombras, along with one major goal: being the best independent advertising agency.

LBB> Finally, what do you believe to be the secret to forging long-lasting cultural impact? 

Thinking outside the agency realm to make a large scale impact. When it comes to creative work, Jeff Benjamin, our CCO, likes to say “We make news, not ads,” and that really sticks within our agency – you can see it in almost all of our work. 

When it comes to DE&I and future recruitment, take a look at the Tombras School of Advertising and PR’s mission. That is a foundational approach to building a diverse pipeline of high-achieving talent for the advertising industry. It’s this type of out of box thinking that creates long lasting impacts.

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