
Speed, Agility, and New Technologies: Tag Looks Ahead to 2023’s Production Landscape

Production Agency
London, UK
LBB speaks to Tag EMEA’s senior leaders about the outlook for next year, the trends they think will affect production and how the company is preparing for what’s in store
Another year is rapidly drawing to a close and the feeling of the new is on the horizon. Like the previous two years, 2022 has been filled with events that can only be described as unprecedented, sending ripples across different industries, including production and advertising, which will inevitably carry over into 2023. 

For Tag, who celebrated its 50th birthday this year, change and challenges are nothing to be afraid of. The team has been planning and gearing up for whatever might come next by assessing and optimising their offering to clients as well as looking after the team internally. 

Tag predicts that in 2023, speed and agility will be top priorities for clients while rising costs will mean that more clients will place an emphasis on content optimisation and innovative solutions like digital twins. Sustainability, DE&I, and virtual production will all play a pivotal role for Tag in 2023. 

LBB spoke to Donna Head, EP, Tag Collective Arts London, Tamara Lover, division director, Steve Pitts, division director, Deepti Velury, COO, and Rik Grant, transcreation partner, Tag Collective Arts - they told us what they predict 2023 will bring and shared Tag’s future plans too.  

"There are tricky and turbulent times ahead, so we have to navigate around this to protect our talent along with offering the highest craft to our clients, with a new model approach.

"With the risk of a recession and brands still needing to advertise, I think a trend will emerge that will focus on adaptation and remodelling an existing idea, rather than stalling until the market picks up. Global teams such as the ones we have at Tag will be key to delivering always-on services to clients with local market insight at scale, and a distributed hub model, meaning the wheels are always turning." - Donna Head, EP, Tag Collective Arts London

"The uncertainty that surrounds 2023 means that clients will need agility and adaptability to pivot in whatever ways the business requires. Creating content using templates, digital twins and reimagining assets that already exist means brands can get content out in hours not days, while doing it more cost-effectively and sustainably.  That feels like a triple win." - Tamara Lover, division director

"With the news that Primark will be trialling click and collect from 25 of its stores, it’s clear that omnichannel retail is now the new normal. Purchases made through mobile devices – m-commerce – are growing faster than traditional ecommerce with an increasing number of shoppers buying through social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. The lines between physical and digital retailers will continue to blur throughout 2023, and brands and retailers who join up the dots will win by making purchasing seamless for shoppers." - Steve Pitts, division director

"In 2023 virtual production will continue to revolutionise the industry. Collaboration and pace are everything, VP will enable creatives to have complete environmental control, collaborate from anywhere in the world, visualise the creative possibilities more easily, make changes and review in real time. Brands will be able to tell their stories faster and at a greater scale, without compromising on output or creativity." - Deepti Velury, COO

"Get on-board but make your connection count. Saying that DE&I is going to be at the forefront of many brand’s radars isn’t going to surprise anyone, but the glue of allyship frequently sets stronger as a result of being genuine. Support is recognised and appreciated across the board but having a real and honest connection to a cause is worth far more to all involved. It’s not a short-term commitment, it’s a long-term endeavour, so whilst it’s easy to get behind something when everyone else is, make sure you walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

"Equally, when looking to traverse cultures and not just languages – it’s important to bear in mind the cultural climate of the target locale vs. the cultural values at the origin point of creative. Whilst we’re all aware of developments in equality, feminism and LGBTQIA+ representation etc. that’s not necessarily the same the world over. We must not only remember that other locales are at different places in their own social evolution, but also respect the status quo and their own unique pace.

"Turning up at someone else’s doorstep with your values in tow is not only presumptuous but it’s also impolite, and like with so much in life, it’s about the journey – not just the destination that matters." - Rik Grant, transcreation partner, Tag Collective Arts

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