Nice Shoes, the renowned New York City-based creative post-production studio, is thrilled to announce its significant presence at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival 2024. Four exceptional films, all coloured by the talented Marcy Robinson of Nice Shoes, are set to make a bold statement in the festival's line up.
United States/Poland
Directed and written by Jesse Eisenberg, 'A Real Pain' is a poignant exploration of family, heritage, and the complexities of relationships. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Kieran Culkin, Will Sharpe, Jennifer Grey, and Kurt Egyiawan, this film follows mismatched cousins on a tour through Poland, unearthing old tensions amidst their family's history. Produced by Dave McCary, Ali Herting, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, Jennifer Semler, and Ewa Puszczyńska, 'A Real Pain' promises a journey of emotional depth and cinematic beauty, enhanced by Marcy Robinson's masterful colour grading.
United States
In 'Stress Positions,' director and screenwriter Theda Hammel crafts a unique narrative set against the backdrop of a Brooklyn brownstone. The film, featuring John Early, Qaher Harhash, Theda Hammel, Amy Zimmer, Faheem Ali, and John Roberts, delves into the life of Terry Goon as he navigates the challenges of caring for his nephew and the curiosity surrounding his houseguest. Producers Brad Becker-Parton, John Early, Stephanie Roush, Allie Jane Compton, and Greg Nobile bring this intriguing story to life, with Marcy Robinson's colouring adding depth and texture to each frame.
United States/Argentina
Directors Michael Dweck and Gregory Kershaw present 'Gaucho Gaucho,' a visually stunning documentary that celebrates the lives of Argentine cowboys and cowgirls. This film, produced by Michael Dweck, Gregory Kershaw, Cameron O’Reilly, and Christos V. Konstantakopoulos, immerses viewers in the world of the Gauchos, offering a glimpse into a life beyond modernity. Marcy Robinson's colouring vividly brings out the essence of this unique community.
United States/Canada
'Sugarcane,' directed by Julian Brave NoiseCat and Emily Kassie, is a powerful documentary that confronts the harrowing history of abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school. The film, produced by Emily Kassie and Kellen Quinn, ignites a crucial conversation about the Sugarcane Reserve. Marcy Robinson's sensitive and impactful colour work enhances the film's profound message.
Marcy Robinson, the colourist Behind the Magic, Shares Her Experience, "Working on these films has been a great privilege. Each is distinct and special. It's been exhilarating to collaborate with so many talented individuals across these projects. The singularity of each film makes every moment of the work feel exciting and worthwhile."
A Word from Nice Shoes' Phil Harrelson, managing director of Film and Episodics, CTO at Nice Shoes, "We are so proud of all of the projects that we worked on this year. It’s such an honour for us to be trusted with the culmination of a filmmaker’s creative vision. We can’t wait to see what’s next for each of them, Sundance and beyond!"