Creative in association withGear Seven Creative Channel

Meet Liv, Renault’s Unnerving New Virtual Ambassador

Creative Agency
Paris, France
Renault and its agency Publicis Conseil created Liv to promote the new KADJAR SUV
It’s well known that everyone leads two lives these days: a physical life and a virtual life. “People have long contrasted relations with what is real and what is virtual. We differentiate between true and false, light and shade, etc. A whole area of our culture is founded on this point”, according to the sociologist Stéphane Hugon. This duality is over.  

The boundary is now becoming blurred between reality and virtuality, the real world nurtures the virtual world and vice versa. So why not reconnect the “virtual me” with the “real me”? Why not imagine the next stage and a virtual being created through computer-generated images, which would be rendered more human through an intense human experience driving a new Renault model?

That’s the challenge taken up by Renault for its ad campaign for new Renault KADJAR, for which it has created its own virtual ambassador, nicknamed Liv. A first in the automotive industry. 

Nowadays, we've all got a virtual life on social media and a real life. One British Person spends on average almost two hours on social media, and almost six hours a day connected to the internet. However, there is a growing social trend towards a return to more authentic, closer relations and connections, and to revealing how we really are. The meteoric rise of instantaneous forms of social media supports this desire to share the authenticity of our real life in this virtual world. And these two worlds have now become one, there are no longer any boundaries but rather the opposite: there is a convergence that further magnifies the genuine, unique times in our life.

Gaëlle Le Grouiec, Renault’s marketing communication director Europe G9, says: “This is Renault’s raison d'être. We have always built vehicles to suit people's real life, to simplify it but also magnify it… ‘Passion for life’, our brand signature, is the demonstration of this. That’s why we are now continuing to embark on the launch of our new SUV model, the Renault Kadjar. And what better than a virtual ambassador to feel real behind the steering wheel of this vehicle and show the authenticity of the actual experience?” 

The new Renault KADJAR is a real, genuine SUV, that is the perfect embodiment of the essence of the Renault brand, i.e. vehicles for real people, for their everyday lives and their journeys. It offers all the attributes they require: an all-new range of petrol and diesel engines for an increase driving pleasure, available in manual gearbox or EDC automatic dual-clutch gearbox. The powerful Diesel dCI 150 engine is also available in two-front-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. It is also comfortable, spacious and reliable, and at the same time boasts an attractive new exterior design.

In this campaign Liv, a simple blank canvas at the outset, will be faced with an authentic driving experience, a return to what’s real.

By launching its own virtual ambassador, Renault wants to prove the extent to which the on-board experience and feelings are authentic, exhilarating and thrilling, and that even though Liv is entirely virtual, the experience itself is completely real and so much more rewarding. 

In the course of her journey, Liv will gradually feel increasingly alive and increasingly human, until becoming completely human. 

Gaëlle adds: “Liv now exists, it’s a fact. She will be present via all our media for this SUV campaign, so you’ll come across her on digital media, TV and so on. We also hope to make her travel in several European countries so she can keep feeling more emotions.”

Three Guestions with Liv 

Who are you?  
Hello, my name’s Liv. I’m virtual, created in minute detail from scratch by Renault to experience real emotions. I’m not sure about my age, so I’d prefer not to talk about that. I believe I increasingly love travelling. I’ve recently realized this. I hope to be able to continue to develop my passion. You know, I’ve got complete knowledge of the world because I’m virtual! But in the end, what does all this knowledge matter without experience? 

Why are you called Liv? 
Because it’s nice!  Don’t you like it? Ha ha!  Liv means “life”. Renault is all about “life with passion”, it’s at the heart of everything this brand creates. And the Renault KADJAR is the vehicle of excellence for you to live all your passions, to accompany you wherever you wish…So, it’s quite natural for me to embody that passion. That’s how it was explained to me, anyway. Others say it means “protection”, which is no surprise given I’m the ambassador for an SUV! 

Is this your first ad campaign? 
Yes, my very first! I feel really fortunate to have been able to enjoy this experience. I didn't think I was capable of feeling so many emotions! And all these people to look after me and take an interest in me! It's really nice! There’s a “making of my adventures” film available if you want to find out more.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
LBB’s Global Sponsor