Welcome to 'McCanners of New York', a series that delves into the lives of the talent behind McCann New York's greatest work. Featuring employees across departments and various roles, this series is an exploration of their personal stories, side-hustles, passions and the projects they cherish.
'McCanners of New York' offers a glimpse into the lives of these talented advertisers, showcasing both their professional and personal journeys.
In this edition, we’re getting to know Erin Michelitsch, associate producer.
Erin> I never really thought of advertising as a career option before it found me. I was always a production kid — working carpentry & front of house at the local theatre & haunted house, producing & stage managing off-Broadway & regional shows, some PA TV work, producing and directing short films, and a year at a Broadway producing company — I liked making things happen. Advertising came into my life around the same time I learned how to make a really great Manhattan, and I fell in love with the job immediately.
Erin> My friends like to say that they can’t turn their backs on me for a second or I’ll have added another hobby to my plate. The biggest and most consistent one is that I write LGBTQ+ horror novels. Currently I’m on manuscript number 5 and hoping this one might get picked up for publishing. This has influenced my work at McCann because it reminds me of three things — trust the creative & production process, sometimes it’s a great idea but just not the right time, and it’s probably best to not investigate the scary noise by yourself (see also: teamwork is everything).
Erin> A project or campaign I worked on that I’m particularly proud of is technically kind of neither, but I have to shout it out. The Agenda is our LGBTQ+ employee resource group (ERG) at McCann - I think we can consider that an internal project (can I? I’m going to). I’m a co-lead with two INCREDIBLE individuals, Katie Henry and Paul Boupha. Every month we host events for our members and the agency, collaborate with other ERGs, and help carve out a space for anyone to be themselves. It's an ongoing project I’m incredibly proud of. Most of all, I’m proud of the people that show up. Those are some of the coolest and most talented humans I know, and I am convinced that they could do anything they set their minds to. It’s an honour getting to collaborate with all of them.
Erin> My advice for advertising production is to treat it like a busy bar & restaurant on a late Saturday night shift. Keep making your rounds, over communicate, crack a few jokes, make some friends, count the change correctly, time the courses, multitask all the needs, enjoy it, and if you forgot to bring the salt — it will be okay.
Erin> My favourite area in NYC is the West Village. If you know, you know.
Erin> A hidden gem in NYC is Somm Time! I grew up in wine country, and Somm Time is the closest thing to a winery you can find in NYC. It’s cosy, has great food, great wine, great company, and is owned by a fantastic couple.