People in association withPeople - The Immortal Awards

Into the Library with Leilani Croucher

Production Company
Sydney, Australia
The Revolver director takes Esther Faith Lew through passion projects ranging from the quirky and humorous to the unapologetically honest

She had her sights on being an actress, and it was her dream to win an Oscar. For Leilani Croucher, her love for acting began in school. But then fate intervened and she was swayed by a film and TV course that she took. 

“I realised that being on the other side of the camera feels much better. Being able to actually craft a world and create stories around it felt like a much more exciting place to be,” says Leilani. “I like looking at the world from a different perspective, and I’m drawn to good work that is heightened with a little bit of fun twist to reality.”

So it was that she began her career as a director’s assistant at Revolver. She worked with all of the directors represented by Revolver and gradually transitioned into a director role. Leilani is constantly intrigued by the scripts she works on, even if they may seem to be typical or predictable. 

“I always ask myself ‘What can I do to inject myself into a script? That's the challenge that I quite like. ‘How do you take something and evolve it and bring it to life in a way that is really going to be exciting?”

Leilani’s inspiration is fuelled by “equal parts David Lynch and The Wizard of Oz”, and she wants to continue to push the boundaries in her craft and to go beyond Asia Pacific. 

Providoor - We Worship Food

When you get the call to help create a fictional order devoted to the greatest thing on earth... food (DUH!)... it’s hard to say no.

Our gods are the alchemists of the kitchen, the maestros of the mouth, the ones that turn lead into golden rivers of flavour.

Throw in an adventurous client, an epic crew, and an agency willing to really push it, and you have a recipe (pun totally intended) for something really unique. There were a few moments on the shoot where I looked at the monitor and was thinking “wtf are we shooting’.... BUT that feeling was exactly what I was looking for. A chance to do something totally different, bold and wildly creative. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Berlei - In Support of You 

Serena (!!!!!), Covid shutdowns, delays it all happened here.

We’ve all seen way too many commercials that spruik the same rubbish over a montage of good-looking people; working out (but never breaking a sweat), achieving goals, kicking butt - all made possible by said miracle product that somehow can do it all. 

Berlei however, has become synonymous with telling it like it is. Whether that’s with bouncing boob balls, talking bra straps or women ripping off tit tape in agony. Berlei has proven they are here to demystify all things boob-related and above all else - support women. 

The In support of You campaign throws away the tired advertising clichés and instead, turns them on their head, showing real women living their life and owning it as well as the role Berlei plays. It’s NOT the magic ingredient to success, but it will offer you support and hold your boobs in place - and that’s pretty bloody important - whether you’re a tennis champ, a working mum or any and ALL women in between.

A bra can’t change the world…. but a good end line sure helps! 

NRMA - New Wheels 

I grew up in a small town on a mountain in the middle of nowhere… or at least that’s how it felt to me anyway. The type of place where kids often ruled the backstreets and bikes were thrown haphazardly in front of houses at the end of cul de sacs and always by the local swimming pool. 

Most streets still don’t have a concrete footpath and probably they never will. Everyone knew everyone else and there was a sense of community on the street. A gang of kids of all ages that looked out for each other, someone always around to race to the end of the road and back. 

I never want that feeling of freedom to disappear, which is why this hit so hard - a powerful and simple message, a fab agency and a smart client. 

I also got in one of my all-time favourite songs (winning)!! And who would guess it rained for almost two days straight. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Bonds - Cheer Bleeders

I grew up HATING period commercials. 

The only way we could talk about period products was to laugh at them and diminish and hide what they were for. Pretty lame really. 

For me this was all about having some fun with the way period products are advertised. Too often, we end up with people squirming at reality or ads that become incredibly depressing and sad. Periods suck, but the messaging around them doesn’t have to. 

If I could tell my Von Dutch wearing, fake tanning, over-eye-linering (wannabe Gwen Stefani) teenage self that navigating periods get easier, I would in a heartbeat. And if I could time warp the Bonds Cheer Bleeders back to when I was in high school maybe I would have been able to laugh about it all, and be a little bit less of a moody bitch - especially to my poor mother. 

This is the type of ad I wish I had seen as a young teenager coming to grips with the horror of the crimson wave every month.

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Golden Bakery - Never a Boring Bite 

People eating crumpets, pancakes and dunking toast in giant ostrich eggs on a teacup ride that spins like mad all day long….. What could possibly go wrong?? Even I went a bit cross-eyed this day… 

This is just classic, colourful, silliness, and made me think of all the old TV commercials of my youth - when cereal ads where ridiculous, fun and a break from the doldrums of reality! A place to forget the whirling race of daily life, and escape into a euphoric mirage on the edge of our periphery. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Oak - Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead Teddy 

Britney said it best when she sang 'not quite a girl, not yet a woman’…

Like Brit-ers, Teddy is perpetually trapped encased in faux fur, doomed to a state of purgatory, never becoming the bear he dreams of. A remnant of a childlike fantasy, his growth stunted, the social filter never quite put properly in place. Relegated to living a strange half-life, Teddy has seen it all and has become tired of the stupid humans and their endless quest to fill the empty void inside.

Teddy has lived too long as a prize hanging on a nail. Done with the pretence, he's ready to take over the hungry thirsty reigns. A stuffed toy that is about to tell you to get stuffed. Not quite a toy, not yet a bear.

This was a wild shoot. The week the world shut down, we were trapped for a night in a strange little carnival back alley, as a man huffed and puffed and sweated his way through the action. -  stuffed quite literally into a bear suit. He couldn’t see anything either… SURREAL.  

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Berlei - Don't Let Your Boobs Play Their Own Game


Enough said. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Go-To Skin Care - Gamer

Simple and totally removed from the over polished unattainable wellness and beauty world. This is a brand that truly knows their voice and has fun with all of their communication. 

Like most women I’m never going to be or look like Kim K, Hayley Beiber, Rhianna (I wish I could be as cool as her) or Cate Blanchett. I don’t have a team around me to whip me into shape, the will to stay on a diet, or any need for my face to be the money-maker. And this is really where this campaign nails it for me. Instead of the overly self-serious perfectly lit studio, tropical beach, or another fab and imaginary location, the scenes were shot in our houses. While we’re doing our thing, living life, out loud, relaxed and unbothered. Taking time for ourselves – with products that not only work but fit into our lives.

Consulted with the nerd boyfriend to help on gamer chat, and yes, trolls, I did check you can play this on a controller. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Jack Ladder - Susan 

The song Susan feels like a scene ripped from a horror film. Full of menacing tones and melancholy. I feel as though someone is disappearing when I listen to it. Losing themselves in the desire to be someone else... to be something else.

So I started Googling ‘how to become someone else’ as you do...

One of the top hits was a self-hypnosis video in which a black and white spiral spins while a voice tells you to breathe and supposedly gives you the ability to become this other person by the end of the 11 minutes. CLICK HERE to try… 

Naturally, this led me straight to the Psychic Hotline... and finally my love of bad ’80s informercials and over the top characters found a place to call home!

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Olympia - Shoot To Forget 

Great song, great woman, fantastic collaboration - plus wigs, and costumes, and ridiculousness... oh my!

Shoot To Forget really encapsulates that notion of hiding from our feelings and who we really are. It’s something we all do: play a part, put on a face, show the world a version of ourselves that isolates us and protects us from ourselves.

This became a stylised and amplified love letter to all the parts we push down, and all of the parts we hide away.

The many guises that society asks us to be as women. 

Explore this work and its credits in our Creative Library.

Work from Revolver
Shoot to Forget
We Worship Food
Jack Ladder
LBB’s Global Sponsor