Apple Card has just launched its second instalment of its ‘Reboot Your Credit Card’ campaign with three humorous and cinematic ads directed by Andreas Nilsson that further distinguish Apple Card from other credit cards. The campaign was created by Apple’s in house creative team.
The film campaign showcases how Apple Card can save you from everyday mishaps: a shrunken sweater, a forlorn sock, and a bill you might have almost certainly remembered to pay.
Built into Wallet on iPhone, Apple Card offers easy-to-use digital tools, creating even more ways users can get the most out of their rewards, and helping customers build and extend healthy financial habits — all while offering the privacy and security users expect from Apple. The spots highlight how easy and fast it is to find a purchase, up to 3% Daily Cash back every time you use Apple Card, and how seamless it is to make payments.
The videos will appear on broadcast TV, Apple’s YouTube channel, and paid digital.