High Five in association withThe Immortal Awards

High Five: Tapping into the Power of Audio

Júlia dos Santos, director of partnerships MENA at MassiveMusic, muses the impact of music and sound across adland

Music can get our heads bumping, hearts thumping, feet tapping and minds wandering - and sound can help us understand, perceive, feel and remember. These are just some of the reasons why I love my job helping partners tap into the power of audio! In this High Five selection, I’ve chosen some recent work that ranges from emotionally inspiring and thought-provoking, to also just being great testaments of the power of music and sound across a variety of applications, creating brand engagement, driving social action, tantalising the senses, evoking product distinction - you name it! Sound is awesome stuff. Get ready to dive in...

Goldfish - 'The Snack That Jingles Back'

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi New York 
Production & Post: ThePub Productions
Directors: Tim LeGallo x TJ Daigler
Sound: Pickle Music

I love the case study of this campaign - it’s the perfect testimony to the power of sound. It showcases how, when done right, audio branding can generate recognition, share of voice and meaningful engagement for brands. 

The Swedish Heartchild Foundation - 'Heartbeat Drum Machine'

Agency & Production: ABBY.WORLD Stockholm
Director: Oskar Hellqvist
Post: Plan8

This campaign is so beautiful that, when I first saw it, I got emotional. It’s an undeniably touching cause that was treated with the love and gentleness it deserves. From a craft and creativity perspective, I love to see how they really pushed the sound concept as far as it could go - from building a bespoke physical instrument to a digital one that users could play with, leveraging artist partnerships and performances, tentpole activations, and even selling the instrument in an auction to really drive the ROI for the cause. This concept also holds a special place in my heart because, by referencing the heartbeat, it’s an ode to the rhythm built in all of us. I believe each of us has a beat, a rhythm, and an endless source of symphonies built right inside of our hearts, which is what I think makes our shared connection to music so powerful. 

Women in Games Argentina - 'Switch Voices'

Agency: BBDO Argentina
Production & Post: Oruga
Directors: Juan Pedro Ferretti x Tomás Wilhelm

I’ve been fascinated with the topic of voices for years. As part of my university graduation film, I worked on a documentary called ‘The Female Voice’, which looked at how women’s voices (and literally the sound of our voice) is heard and received and what that can mean in terms of how we constructively collaborate as a society. During our research for the documentary, the theme of the abuse women suffer in virtual spaces kept coming up across the different conversations we were having. This campaign hits right on that note. The agency made the most of modern audio technology in a clever way, producing a clear audiovisual depiction of how women can suffer disproportionately to men whilst being in the exact same position. I love that the audio tech is what gave the men the chance to experience it in their own skin and reflect on the experience of their female peers. Constructive collaboration comes from a place of true empathy and the ability to put ourselves in each other’s (player) seat, so big high five for that! 

Cathay Pacific - 'Food Done Right'

Agency: VCCP Singapore
Production & Post: Where Is Brian - Quad Group
Director: Michael Roulier x Philippe Lhomme
Sound: MassiveMusic Singapore

Here’s an example of how well-crafted sound can be used to enhance all of the senses. The sound enhances the experience with every shot, from evoking the warmth of the gas burner, to bringing out the freshness of the herbs and sprouts, the swooshing swirls of spaghetti and the refreshing fizz of a freshly-poured drink. Every material is also brought to life, from the dry and gentle percussion of the wooden chopsticks, the sharp metallic clink of the gleaming cutlery. My favourite part is how the sound enhances the moment that the passenger opens her box of freshly-steamed dumplings and her eyeglasses fog up. It adds a moment of child-like wonder and humour, and if you close your eyes and listen to the spot, you’ll be able to pick up on the exact moment the glasses fog up just from the sound! I must confess that I went out and had some dumplings for dinner after watching the ad. 

BMW - 'The Calm'

Production: Reset Content
Director: Sam Hargrave
Post: Company 3 New York x Method Studios New York
Editorial: Union Editorial
Sound: Hans Zimmer x Lime Studios

From start to finish, this ad is an ode to craftsmanship and creativity - from the cast to the filmmaking - everything comes together to create a narrative context that doesn’t shout about BMW, but enhances the brand’s elegance and class. From a music and sound point of view, everything has been meticulously thought-out to deliver tension, humour and highlight the quality of the product and BMW experience. As the narrative evolves and erupts into a fully fledged action sequence, we experience the full suite of huffs, puffs, thuds, crashes and slams you’d expect from an action-packed fight scene and car chase, wrapped up in the soft rumbling vibrations and deliberate stillness of Hans Zimmer’s score, constantly reminding the viewer of the cool smoothness of the car’s ride throughout. What I also love about this ad is that it perfectly showcases the sound world of the BMWi7 car itself, highlighting how brands can use ownable sound cues to craft a premium product experience from the inside out. We see the motion-activated interactions between the characters and the car’s sound system, as well as the product sounds of the car’s hydraulic features, driving modes, and voice notifications. 

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