Fresh Base Productions has released a new showreel, showcasing its work since the summer of 2020, edited by long-time collaborator Joseph Taylor at The Assembly Rooms. The reel views like a who's who of the sporting world, featuring heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, announcing Raheem Sterling to the world as a New Balance athlete, through to supporting the EA Sports FIFA22 launch with Trent Alexander-Arnold and Phil Foden.
Founder Gaurav Kumar commented: "We wanted to showcase our work in a way that encapsulates what we’re all about: specialists in sport and lifestyle. Once we got started in the edit, it was easy to just let the work speak for itself – the hard part came with trying to keep it concise and under a minute. We're excited about where the agency is heading in 2022 and looking forward to working with new agencies and brands in the sports and lifestyle world."
Fresh Base is a creative production house that specialises in sport and lifestyle - working with the world's leading brands, agencies and athletes.