Ewanme has announced that Rak Bhattacharjee will be joining as head of operations. His role will be to bolster Ewanme’s back-end and strengthen ewanme’s infrastructure, bringing depth to ensure that with our freelance team’s working remote, all workflows, data and deliveries are managed efficiently and securely.
Ewan McLeod comments: “As our client base continues to grow, we need to provide depth in our service, from top end freelance talent at the front, to state of the art data management systems for archiving, storage and delivery at the back. Having worked with Rak for many years at Golden Square managing the ‘machine room’, and his subsequent senior role at Adstream, there is no one with a steadier hand to take the helm. Myself, Sam and now Rak, have clearly defined roles to take Ewanme to the next level.
"The current climate is precarious for us all. The sands are shifting in our industry, but I do believe it’s creating an exciting new landscape that Ewanme has been at the forefront of..
We are about championing individual talent and with so many amazing individuals going freelance and joining the team – we can offer our clients more choice and more skillsets, drawn from the very best – at the most competitive of cost."