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Dream Teams: How Hayley McOstrich and Anton Mwewa Embrace Creative Challenge Together

The No Fixed Address senior copywriter and associate creative director on how their partnership was built by another duo, why it’s a treat to always learn from one another, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt
Within adland, great partnerships are born in a variety of ways. Discovering natural chemistry after a mutual introduction is a classic, working together on a project and realising that the cooperation is seamless is another, and then of course, there’s the pairs put together by agency higher-ups. 

The partnership between No Fixed Address senior copywriter Hayley McOstrich and associate creative director Anton Mwewa falls into the third category. However, it might also have been a divine blessing, considering the fact it was none other than the agency CCOs Alexis Bronstorph and Kelsey Horne who put them together – a long-established Canadian dream team in their own right.

“They knew we would gel, and they were right,” reflects Hayley. “Now it’s been almost one blissful, incredible, unforgettable year of partnership.”

So, what has happened to create such a dynamic duo over the past months? According to Anton, a mutually strong first impression helped a great deal, as it provided a ground foundation to build off of. 

“I knew Hayley would be a great person to work with,” he explains. “She struck me as very magnanimous, kind and thoughtful, and that impression really hasn’t gone away.” 

Returning the praise, Hayley adds that the two “vibed immediately”, with Anton proving sharp, funny, and someone who she could work effectively alongside. “It’s all about the balance of similarities in our personalities and differences in our interests,” she says. “We’re both tapped into entirely different FYPs and cultures, but agree on what makes an idea great. We can both bring different POVs to the work, but can always align on the best way to make it happen.” 

This was abundantly clear in their first project together: a proactive idea for a client. Although it didn’t ultimately come to fruition, it allowed the partners to “sus” each other out, determine there wouldn’t be any growing pains, and just straight up have some fun. As Hayley describes it, “It felt easy from the start, and who knows? Sometimes, ideas can come back around when you least expect it!”

Of course, Hayley and Anton also have some pretty successful campaigns under their belts as well, such as the recent bratwurst campaign for Field Roast which made waves across the internet. Especially appropriate given the fact that (according to Hayley), ‘stan Twitter’ is an area in which Anton dwells deeply, the work utilised great art design and clever wordplay to build on the hype associated with the release of Charli XCX’s ‘Brat’ album.

“'Bratwurst' was awesome,” acknowledges Anton. “It felt how I imagine every project in advertising should feel – like you’re just having fun and geeking out on something.” 

With that said, consistent feelings of friendship and good vibes can’t entirely prevent occasional frustration. Specifically, the pair face grave disagreements about Anton’s decision to buy coffee, as Hayley puts it, “Every. Single. Morning… the moment we arrive at work… even when we have perfectly good coffee at the office.”

“I need my morning coffee treat,” justifies Anton. “Sure, sometimes when I ask Hayley to come with me, she gives me a look like ‘Really? Again?’ but it’s a new day. Get with the programme girl! (Also, she’s too nice).”

In seriousness however, the two have very good systems in place for legitimate creative disagreements, which, when they do occur, are handled with a good amount of grace. “We go back and forth explaining our thoughts until it’s clear who feels more strongly,” Hayley explains. “I trust Anton, so if he is riding for something that I’m not 100% sold on, there’s usually a reason. We either chat it out, or take a beat and return to it later, but there is always a way to make the idea something we are both really excited about.”

Anton agrees, adding that recognising an individual’s passion will usually give the other something to build on (and failing that, they can always just nag the other until one gives in). This has proven valuable multiple times, such as when the pair found themselves tasked with creating the ‘Tempehfy’ campaign for LightLife

A fun creative challenge, the work ended up focusing on how people can ‘tempehfy’ - add tempeh - to anything, which in turn, saw the pair collaborate with Molly Baz and 12 other chefs to create a specialised cookbook – a first for both Anton and Hayley. 

“It helped that we were both so passionate about the project, because the making of a cookbook is a long process and you have to stay dialled in to every detail to make sure it's exactly how you want it,” reflects Anton, to which Hayley adds, “In this industry, you are often trying to shave time, make it fit, and cut copy. So, creating a cookbook required flexing a totally different muscle.”

But, this is the benefit of having a creative co-conspirator in the business. When new challenges come knocking, having a second brain on the job can lead to juicer ideas, proactive work, and an overall more fun experience… which can also be applied outside the office. 

Indeed, for the duo, work isn’t everything, and the two bolster their working relationship by cultivating a real friendship in their spare time. Per Anton, their partnership already feels like an organic blend of personal and professional life, but they also do scheduled things, such as attending occasional ad parties together, or, like this past weekend, “dragging” their (life) partners to brunch.

“Otherwise, it’s just constant meme-sending,” Hayley notes. “I’ve gotta give Anton some time to breathe so he doesn’t get sick of me!”

This really doesn’t seem at risk of happening any time soon. There’s too much to do together, whether it be creating great work, cultivating fun memories, or learning valuable lessons from one another. 

In Hayley’s case, nowhere is this clearer than through the fact that she genuinely feels lucky to be learning from Anton every day. “He is so passionate about his interests and it rubs off,” she says. “I have a whole new appreciation for Apple events, Beyoncé, stan Twitter and AI-generated songs now, and I’m better for it, haha.”

Meanwhile, Anton is quick to express his mutual admiration, as well as for Hayley being plugged into cultural pockets that he didn’t previously know existed. Putting the praise of his partner simply and sweetly, he finishes with this. “The fact that our interests and passions can be so different means I feel like I learn something new practically every day with her.”

Work from No Fixed Address
Bacon Is Rain
Greenfield Natural Meat Co
Bacon Is Rain
Greenfield Natural Meat Co
Safe Spaces
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection
LBB’s Global Sponsor