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Cannes Contenders: Serviceplan Group’s ‘24 Competitors

The independent agency network spotlights the campaigns from around the world that we should be looking out for at the Festival of Creativity

Serviceplan, the independent agency network, continues to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Known for its integrated and holistic approach, Serviceplan spans over 35 countries with a diverse portfolio of clients and campaigns.

As the 2024 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity approaches, Serviceplan has curated a selection of its most impactful campaigns, each embodying its commitment to creativity that transcends boundaries. From Lufthansa's heartwarming ‘Every Story Starts with a Yes’, which captures the essence of travel and adventure, to the provocative ‘Space Trash Signs’ for Privateer Space, these campaigns showcase the breadth of Serviceplan’s creative expertise.

Other notable entries include ‘Love Your Boys’ for Manscaped, which tackles men's health with humour and sensitivity, and the poignant ‘#StopRepeatingStories’ for the Central Council of Jews in Germany, addressing anti-Semitism through powerful storytelling. Additionally, campaigns like ‘iJack’ for BMW Middle East and ‘Animal Alerts’ for PetPace highlight Serviceplan's versatility in merging technology with human-centric narratives.

Here’s a closer look at the campaigns that Serviceplan hopes will shine at this year's Cannes Lions, with commentary from leaders from across the group.

Lufthansa - Every Story Starts with a Yes

“Inventing narratives about the lives and conversations of others: who hasn’t indulged in this mental exercise? And during travels, when often faced with language barriers, the allure of imagination grows even stronger. 'Every story starts with a Yes’ naturally bridges our innate curiosity about people, their stories and backgrounds with the essence of the Lufthansa brand. Yes to campaigns that riff on our most human reflexes. Yes to capturing the significance of discovery and shared experiences. Yes to the beauty and truth that lies in what connects instead of what divides us – travellers, wanderers and dreamers." An Rietjens, creative strategy leader at Serviceplan Belux‬

Love Your Boys - Manscaped

“We couldn’t be more excited to launch this work with MANSCAPED and help put the conversation of men’s grooming on a national stage. The ingenious visual metaphor of ‘The Boys’ is so disarmingly dumb you can’t help but smile. It’s so insightful and yet so relatable. Hopefully it inspires men to give their boys the love they deserve.” Jason Apaliski, executive creative director at Pereira O'Dell

Anzen Health -  855-HOW-TO-QUIT-(OPIOIDS)


“Instead of relying on cautionary tales or pointing fingers, which seem to be the norm on this topic, the HOW-TO-QUIT campaign doesn’t shy away from showing the root of the opioid epidemic and adds a human touch.
“It’s pretty clever how the billboards show pills in an organic way as the medium to reach out to those struggling with addiction and connect them with a helping hand. As far as the design goes, it’s simple, powerful and straight to the point. All in all, the campaign perfectly delivers a much-needed message right now in the US.” Erick Barrios Hernández, global executive creative director at Serviceplan Americas

Privateer Space, Inc. - Space Trash Signs


“What impressed me the most was the way in which the team succeeded in presenting the results of an enormous amount of extremely rigorous scientific work in an extremely clear way. The beautiful form and impressive design are truly at the service of the content and the message.

“It's great to be able to visualise, in this way, a problem that, until then, had been largely unknown. After seeing this work, this major issue for the years to come and its consequences on the daily life of mankind can no longer be forgotten, and the constellations remain engraved forever in the memory. Such quality at every stage of the project is truly impressive.” Jean-Philippe Dubois, creative director at Serviceplan France

BMW Middle East -  iJack

“BMW recognized that proximity to public charging stations is a crucial factor for potential EV customers. To leverage this, the automotive brand launched the innovative BMW iJACK campaign, transforming Google Maps into a vast network of virtual showrooms. 
“BMW proved that sometimes ‘less is more’ and you don’t need to spend substantial marketing budgets to make an impact. By utilising an existing touchpoint and flooding Google Maps with photos of BMW EVs, they cleverly reached existing and future EV owners and put the product at the top of consumers' minds. While most marketers search for innovative and eco-friendly solutions, BMW actually delivered that, and all it took was a little bit of time – to take the photos and upload them. Simple, low-cost, to the point – simply brilliant.” Karol Masalski, managing partner at Game Changer

PetPace - Animal Alerts

“‘Animal Alerts’ is a great example of how at the nub of every challenger idea is almost always a clear purpose that yearns to create new behaviour. In this initiative, passion provides purpose, and data drives smart decision-making. For years, animals’ extra sensory perception has eluded us, and so for this innovation to be able to harness the ‘known’ to avert the ‘unknown’ makes it a game-changing proposition. The mindful design of PetPace 2.0 makes sure that this human leap doesn’t come at the expense of any discomfort to the other species we coexist with. This isn’t just a wishful prototype, it is designed to be effective at scale and in time supported by a robust broadcast system with alerts across web, mobile, radio and digital billboards. It’s one of those ideas that are beyond award categories, but instead it opens a new frontier in putting health data to life-altering use. Much like the cause, the idea itself is based on science, but is…all-heart!” Nishant Shah, executive creative director at Serviceplan Group Middle East

Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland - #StopRepeatingStories

“The year is 2024. It's hard to believe we still need to remind people of one of the most horrifying periods in history. Especially with rising tension and violence across the Middle East, there has been a massive increase in antisemitic crimes in Germany. The worst part is that because this history is repeated so often, Jews who experience antisemitism are not always taken seriously; their experiences are minimised and sometimes dismissed. 

“At the heart of #StopRepeatingStories is the desire to make it clear that antisemitism is real and affects Jews in their everyday lives. The campaign's execution cleverly uses AI. An actress recounts a true story, and AI ages her image back to her real age, a young contemporary woman, during her narration. This makes it clear that stories we thought were in the past are still very much part of our daily lives. AI plays a key role in creating this visual impact and demonstrating: "How it starts is reminiscent of those days. How it continues is up to you." Juliana Constantino, executive creative director at Pireira O’Dell

Silverside AI - Hypnovels

“Hypnovels is a groundbreaking new generative AI tool that means Authors can create audiovisual extracts of their novels, and share them on platforms such as TikTok. It’s the brainchild of Silverside AI, an incubation lab founded by the AI pioneer PJ Pereira. Hypnovels is truly at the frontier of AI, and I’m excited to see how it could change the landscape for the authors of the future.” Alex Schill, global chief creative officer and partner at Serviceplan Group

PENNY - The Kids

“‘A Penny for your thoughts’. It’s a way of saying. Penny has made it a way of communicating, with its seasonal social awareness campaign. Each year raising the bar. Each year making people think, talk and, also, let’s say it, cry a bit. And the reason this campaign, like the others before, has such a strong emotional impact, is that it always starts from a topic that resounds profoundly, starting from a powerful truth. This year it’s about children’s rights. Giving voice to the younger generations. The ones most affected by climate change, social media distortions, or distracted parenting. And yet most unheard or unlistened. With ‘The Kids’ Penny gives voice to real problems, hopes, desires. Because all the arguments that are brought up by the film in such an astounding way, come from real listening and from a real project the discount store has been supporting since 2015 through the ‘Förderpenny’ initiative. The superb crafting of the film, the imagery and a sountrack that becomes an hymn and an amazing call for attention are of course essential. But they would not be so relevant without a base element of this film: truth.” Giuliana Giuzzi, executive creative director at Serviceplan Italia

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