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5 Questions with Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness: Anca Catarambol

Publicis Groupe Romania's chief talent officer on feeling at home in HR, memorable experiences and loving what you do

As part of Publicis Groupe Central & Eastern Europe (CEE)’s 'Embrace Gender Equity' initiative that was launched during this year’s International Women’s Day on March 8th, the company created a special series 'Publicis Groupe CEE Lioness' designed to showcase and spotlight its many female talent and leaders across the CEE region, celebrating their experiences and important roles they play within the company. Get to know the Publicis Groupe CEE Lionesses through their stories in this series.

1. Can you share your story with us, how have you gotten to where you are today in your profession?

Anca> My career started years ago, when freshly graduated with a mechanical engineering degree in my bag but no employment prospects in that field, I accepted a job in what was a small agency at that time that would later become Leo Burnett Romania. Guided by the values of Leo Burnett the founder of the company, the local Leo Burnett agency and I ‘grew up’ together as I advance my career in different roles within it.

My career in HR (Human Resources) was not necessarily by choice. It came to me during a turning point in 2007 when the management of Leo Burnett offered me the role of HR Manager. For as long as I can remember, I have loved working with people and have always felt fascinated by what motivates us – I felt at home in the HR role.

Sixteen years and two mergers later, here I am, in the position of CTO (chief talent officer) of Publicis Groupe Romania, the largest communication group in the country, leading a team of specialists passionate about their work and doing talent management projects that we are proud of, and with which, we have won awards at employer branding competitions in Romania.

I was often asked why I stayed in one place for so long. My answer has remained the same over the years: it is because of the people I meet here, leaders or colleagues, because of the shared values and beliefs that ensured a healthy organizational culture and an effective work environment.

2. What has been your most memorable experience in your career so far?

Anca> I consider myself lucky, as many memorable experiences come to mind.

The latest is the launch of the 'School of Big Ideas' Academy on September 4th, 2023. Together with my colleagues from creative agencies, we onboarded over 100 students in the academy. It was a boost of energy and youth under one roof that made me believe again in the attractiveness of the advertising industry for the younger generations.

Another one was judging the 'Lions’ Dream' competition. An internal competition launched in the 2nd year of the pandemic with the aim of boosting morale among colleagues. Reading over 130 dreams submitted in the competition by my colleagues gave me wings. Although it was a laborious process that came on top of our regular day-to-day work, the energy and enthusiasm it brought on lingered for a long time. In addition to internal recognition, Lions' Dream also won numerous awards at employer branding and internal communication competitions and attracted media attention.

Going further back, there was the 'The Power Of Us' program launched in April 2020, just one month after the start of the pandemic, with the aim of keeping us united in the face of the now, well-known challenges. It was a real success. The initiatives of that program are now summed-up under the Lion's Planet, our local intranet.

3. Similarly, what was the most challenging moment and how did you overcome it?

Anca> The most recent one was the pandemic in 2020. That was a rollercoaster ride for everyone in the industry and beyond, with its own set of ups and downs, uncertainties and a lot of fear.

Our priority was to address the emotional needs of our team during this challenging time. 'The Power Of Us' program was born to provide emotional support to our colleagues. From coaching and mentoring programs to training and learning opportunities, we launched initiatives that encouraged and promoted talent and passion. We also launched projects that promoted a better work-life balance and conducted regular surveys to keep a pulse on the team's emotional state.

Another challenging moment was the financial crisis in 2009. With only two years of HR experience under my belt, I had to face the layoffs. It was a difficult moment, but it showed us that the agency built by the local management was on solid foundation and our strong reputation for our agency’s superior professional standards allowed our colleagues to find jobs immediately. It was a true testament to the strength of the agency I was a part of.

4. What are your most important tips on achieving success?

Anca> Loving what you do. I love my job, I love my colleagues and I’m happy to work together with them.

There is also passion. I strongly believe that if you put passion in what you are doing, the road is always easier.

I also try to surround myself with people that are smarter than me, because that pushes me to grow further and faster.

Finally, the “cult of a job well done”. If I'm doing something and spending that time, I'm doing it to the best of my ability.

5. What are your tips for younger female talent embarking on the journey you’re already on?

Anca> I believe that subscribing to the “cult of a job well done” has brought me to where I am today, and certainly, having passion for my work goes a long way.  I strongly believe that you cannot succeed without passion in this industry. In addition, I do not give up easily. I’ll keep trying until I succeed in one way or another.

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