5 minutes with... in association withAdobe Firefly

5 Minutes with… Ian MacKellar

INNOCEAN Canada’s ECD discusses the newly launched ‘We Are Explorers’ identity, journeying through the industry, and why he believes this is the year to help the agency find its voice, writes LBB’s Josh Neufeldt

The executive creative director of INNOCEAN Canada, Ian MacKellar boasts over 30 years of experience in the industry. Having worked for the likes of BBDO, Ogilvy, and J. Walter Thompson, where he served as global ECD, all of this has amalgamated into fueling Ian’s love of challenge and new perspective, as he strives to find elegantly innovative and unexpected solutions to creative problems. 

With the agency recently launching its ‘We Are Explorers’ identity, commemorating its 15th year in Canada, now more than ever, Ian is pushing for INNOCEAN to go from being talented yet quiet to finding its voice in the scene, with a team that’s uniquely curious about what’s possible, and isn’t afraid to venture into unexplored territory. 

To discuss all this and more, including his belief in curiosity and an unwavering desire to know the client’s business, LBB’s Josh Neufeldt sat down with Ian for a chat.

LBB> Ian, congratulations on the launch of ‘We Are Explorers’! What does this represent to you, and INNOCEAN Canada as a whole?

Ian> I have always been voraciously curious, which is why I was attracted to a career in this business. Explorers are uniquely curious about what can be, what lies ahead, and what is possible. 

We worked closely with our US office as it explored this new identity… I believe INNOCEAN USA’s new CCO, Jason Sperling, and CSO, Cindy Scott were the initial authors.

LBB> Building on this, tell us about the new ‘Explorer Code’. How will you be applying this to the way you work?

Ian> I had the unique opportunity to work on and help establish the global values of BBDO in a past life. I learned through that process that creating a set of attributes for the agency and its people goes a long way to attracting the best people and creating the best work. 

In this case, the INNOCEAN ‘Explorer Code’ is something the entire organisation can aspire to.

LBB> To this point, you’ve had a longstanding career outside of this, with over 20 years in the industry! Tell us about your story! What has your journey been like, and how has it led you to where you are today?

Ian> I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the ad business. Not only have I enjoyed over 30 years doing something I love, but I have also been fortunate to do it with some of the most interesting and talented people in the world. Every new agency, client, and opportunity provided a new challenge, perspective, and appealed to my need to learn something new. 

I got the chance to work for a start-up, three multinationals, in New York City, and with a long list of industry legends: Jack Neary, Geoffrey Roche, Jack Bensimon, Carlos Moreno, Peter Ignazi and David Lubars (to name just a few). And, I was given the opportunity to work closely with some of the world’s most iconic brands – FedEx, Pepsi, IKEA, Frito-Lay, Dove, Huggies, IBM, Guinness, Mercedes-Benz, Tylenol, and now Hyundai.

LBB> Building on this, how have your experiences in this time come together to inform the way you lead at INNOCEAN today?

Ian> When you’re passionate, knowledgeable, and curious about a client’s business, the ideas create themselves. 

LBB> Of course, spending this amount of time working can’t be easy without ways to keep it fresh and exciting. So, what’s the appeal of the industry for you?

Ian> The elegance of an innovative and unexpected creative solution still excites me. For example, Angry Butterfly’s recent work for Stok'd.

LBB> Talking about the creative approach itself, you’ve expressed that the best way to achieve strong work is through curiosity and an unwavering desire to know the client’s business. Why is this so important to you?

Ian> It was one of the first things I discovered when I started working. Even though this business often rewards the self-indulgent idea first, I learned a long time ago that you can bring great value to a client when you value their business.

LBB> With all these new changes in place, where do you think INNOCEAN’s place is in the greater Canadian scene at the moment, and where are you hoping to take the agency across 2024?

Ian> I have often described INNOCEAN as very talented, very capable, and very quiet. This new platform is the first step for the brand to shake off its apprehension and find its voice. I think the industry will be interested in what it has to say. 

LBB> And on a personal level, what are you hoping to achieve this year? What’s your vision for the future, beyond the immediate changes at hand?

Ian> This is an exciting year for INNOCEAN. Not only is the agency celebrating its 15th year in Canada, but it is also enjoying new business wins from TaylorMade golf, Bishop’s University, and the Montreal Alliance (CEBL). We’re very excited to start our work with these brands and organisations while expanding our relationship with existing clients like Hyundai, KIA, and luxury brand Genesis.

LBB> Is there any advice you’d like to offer some of INNOCEAN’s newer members who might be adjusting to this new identity and ideology?

Ian> Listen. Learn. Ask questions. Be humble. And most of all, don’t be afraid. 

LBB> Finally, work isn’t everything. So, what do you like to do outside the job, and how do you destress after a busy day?

Ian> I spent almost 20 years balancing racing my bicycle with the demands of a job in advertising. I still do some of my best thinking behind the handlebars, dodging cars and trying not to get dropped.

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