Privacy & Cookie Policy

Privacy & Cookie Policy

Welcome to LBB – Little Black Book. Your privacy and security are very important to LBB, so we have set out below what we do and what we do not do with the information that we collect using LBB’s web sites and events. 

1. Introduction

This Privacy and Cookies Policy sets out the privacy policy of LBB Ltd (“LBB”), Company Number 05226540 (England) whose registered address is 33 Queen Street, Coggeshall, Essex CO6 1UF, who controls this website. For the purpose of the GDPR and the UK Data Protection Bill, the data controller is LBB Ltd.

If at any time you wish to change the uses of your personal information to which you have consented, please contact us at

LBB may revise this Privacy Policy at any time by posting an update on its website(s). Please ensure that you check this website and any other LBB website(s) you use from time to time to review the then current Privacy Policy and to update your preferences. This Privacy and Cookies Policy was last updated in March 2018.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The types of personal information collected and stored by LBB might include your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number (to the extent permitted by the Data Protection Act 1998 and related legislation (“the DPA”)).

The types of personal information and stored by LBB might include your name, email address, postal address, job role, telephone number (to the extent permitted by European General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and related legislation (‘the GDPR’) and the Data Protection Bill 2018).

LBB (or any of its subsidiaries) will collect your data when you complete the information to register on its website(s) as a subscriber or member, or give consent to receive email alerts, newsletters or other communications from LBB; when you make payment for an LBB membership or service, including payment via any of LBB’s websites for LBB services, which are transacted by STRIPE (LBB Ltd does not store credit/debit card or bank details);

when you post ‘User Content’ (see the Terms and Conditions for this definition) to an LBB website (in such circumstances the information posted by you will, of course, also be available to users of the website throughout the world); or when you enquire about our activities by email, telephone or write to us or otherwise provide us with personal information.

LBB will collect, process and store this data on the GDPR basis of consent where consent has explicitly given (for example, consent to receive newsletters) . With reference to website subscribers and member companies, personal data will be collected under the basis of legitimate interest and/or contract to allow us to administer your membership and help you use your membership.

LBB (or any of its sub-contractors) may also receive information about you from third parties, for example a friend who wants to tell you about one of our websites, or an event sponsor that wishes to invite you to an LBB event. This is particularly relevant for the LBB & Friends Beach, when sponsors give us the details of their clients whom they would like to invite to the beach in Cannes. This data is processed under the GDPR basis of legitimate interest.

All transactions involving credit cards or debit cards are handled by third party websites. 

3. Storage and retention of your information

LBB will keep your information on a secure server. The technology that LBB uses and the security policies which LBB has implemented are intended to safeguard your information from unauthorised access and improper use. LBB will keep your information (to the extent permitted by GDPR and the DPB) to enable LBB to use it for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

LBB Ltd and its subsidiaries do not store credit/debit card information or bank details. 

Under article 17 of the GDPR, ‘the right to erasure’, you can request that all personal data relating to you is deleted by contacting Little Black Book.

4. Use of Your Information

LBB may use your personal information (subject in each case to the requirements of the GDPR) in order to  administer your website account(s) and otherwise in connection with any service for which you have provided your information, including any email alerts, newsletters, transactions with us and competitions and promotions that you take part in, or events that you attend; to respond to any enquiry you make; to send you newsletters, invitations and/or alerts and information regarding LBB's future services and events (in all formats to which you have consented e.g. post, email, text); and for generating aggregated statistics about users, traffic patterns etc of the LBB website(s) and other services and developing LBB's marketing plans.

LBB may also disclose your information (subject in each case to the requirements of the GDPR) if you have given your consent for LBB to do so, to other selected organisations to enable them to contact you or send you information by post, telephone and/or email or to any service providers, sub-contractors and agents appointed by LBB to perform the above functions on its behalf and in accordance with its instructions. If required we will also disclose your personal information to third parties selected by LBB as part of aggregated and anonymised statistics about users, traffic patterns etc of the LBB website(s). Lastly, we may disclose your details to individuals and/or bodies as necessary to ensure LBB’s compliance with any applicable law, regulation, legal proceeding or governmental request. This could include, but is not limited to instances where we are required to disclose your personal information to any relevant authority or third party requiring LBB to disclose the identity of or locate anyone posting materials on an LBB website that is considered to constitute a criminal offence, breach the rights of a third party, give rise to a civil action or breach the Terms & Conditions of the applicable website and as otherwise necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of LBB and its customers.

In the event that LBB (or a relevant part of LBB is acquired by or merges with another company, your personal information may be passed to the purchasing/merging company amongst the transferred business assets. This will enable your relationship to continue with the relevant LBB business despite the change of ownership. Your personal information may also be passed (on a confidential basis) to companies with whom LBB is negotiating such a sale/merger as part of the verification exercise carried out on LBB by the third party.

5. Cookies and How They Benefit You

LBB uses Cookies to make your visit to our site easier, more useful and enjoyable. Cookies are small pieces of information which are issued to your computer or any similar device you use to access the internet when you visit a website and which store and sometimes track information about your use of the website. A number of the cookies LBB uses last only for the duration of your web session and expire when you close your browser. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the website and will last for longer.

LBB uses cookies to:

• create a specific log-in session for a visitor to an LBB website in order that page requests by that visitor are delivered in an effective, secure and consistent manner;

• recognise when a visitor to an LBB website has visited before; this means that you don’t have to login every time but also that we can identify the number of unique visitors we receive to the website and allows us to make sure we have enough capacity for the number of users that we get; 

• customise elements of the promotional layout and/or content of the pages of the website;

• collect statistical information about how our visitors use the website(s) so that we can improve the website(s) and learn which parts are most popular to visitors; and

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You can also learn more about cookies by visiting which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browser. Please note however, that by blocking or deleting cookies used on an LBB website(s) you may not be able to take full advantage of the website(s) if you do so.

What do the Cookies on LBB’s web sites mean for you?

• you do not have to login every time;

• that elements of your work and browsing are saved each time you return;

• items are stored in your shopping basket;

• speed and security on the site are improved;

• you can share pages or elements on LBB web sites to social media web sites;

• they offer you relevant and targeted content;

• they continuously improve your experience on LBB web sites. 

Our cookies

We have described the main cookies we use and what we use these for below:

Cookie namepurpose
Used to save the state and some info about The Immortals award entries during judging phase.

Third party cookies

Certain cookies are either set by third parties on the Website or these are set by us using the third party’s cookie code. Examples of these are social media sharing facilities and videos that are hosting on another site such as YouTube. More information about cookies placed by third parties and how to restrict or block their cookies can be accessed by following the link to their website.

Cookie namepurposeMore Information

Google (Analytics)

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site.

We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site.

The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.

Google Analytics opt-out
original_referer, _twitter_sess, guest_id, pid and k

Twitter Privacy Policy

6. Third Party Websites

Please be aware that LBB does not control and is not responsible for websites that are referred to or linked from its own websites and that use of your personal information on these websites is not subject to this Privacy and Cookies Policy.

7. Registration

To access certain parts of the LBB websites, LBB may require you to register and provide certain information about yourself. You are reminded that in addition to the provisions of this Privacy and Cookies Policy, where you register you also agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the relevant registration form; and maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it fully up to date.

8. Terms and Conditions

These are available from the link by this name available on all LBB web sites. 

LBB’s Global Sponsor